Rental Library

Echoschall - Verleih von Mikrofonen, Synthesizern und Audiotechnik in Berlin. Alles für die perfekte Aufnahme.

Equipment Rental

Melodium 42B

Melodium 42B

Melodium 42B

A giant in terms of dimensional and tonal qualities

  • first-class French ribbon microphone
  • over time there have been several versions, differing mainly in the magnet assembly and the housing properties
  • with 32 cm (including stand mount swivel) larger than the American RCA 44BX ribbon mic
  • the built-in output transformer was replaced with the Sowter 8074 in both rental copies. With a nominal impedance of 200 Ω (previously 50 Ω), it's much better suited for studio preamps. There is audibly less noise thanks to the higher sensitivity.
  • exemplary frequency response (very good treble reproduction)
  • consistent figure-8 pattern
  • organic and voluminous sound
  • manufacturing period: 1932-1960s
  • in 2021 the french Studio Kerwax released a detailed reissue called Melodium 42Bn

Favourite applications: similar to RCA 44BX: vocals, brass instruments, saxophone, room microphone (drums!) and guitar amp

  • 1 Day28 €
  • 2 Days46 €
  • Weekend
    60 €